Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Quitting Smoking Rewards

Quitting smoking is one of the most important things a person can do to improve their health.
When smoking tobacco, you are putting your body into the high-risk zone. Your cardiovascular system, respiratory tract, lungs, heart etc. are in danger of various diseases such as emphysema, COPD, heart attacks, cancer and more. All of them may be lethal.
The risk is increasing with each cigarette you smoke. The more and the longer you smoke, the higher is the risk. However, if one stops smoking, the chances of the life threatening diseases gradually decrease. Each and every day after the day you've quit prolongs your life. Isn't it the enough reason to quit smoking today?
Nicotine is a powerful and addictive stimulant. Nicotine addiction is the main reason for people continuing smoking while understanding it's harmful. Nicotine addiction is both physical and psychological. Many quitters experience the uncomfortable and sometimes even painful symptoms i.e. insomnia, weight gain, fatigue, irritability etc. Often these are enough for a quitter to go back smoking which is the total failure.
No hope? Wrong.
Did you know that after only 8 hours of quitting smoking, your blood pressure drops by 5 to 10 points? After one month, your immune system will have begun to recover from the effects of cigarette smoke, and your energy is likely to improve. After only one year of quitting smoking, your risk of dying as a result of a heart attack will be half that of someone who still smokes.
Quitting smoking isn't easy. There are 3 reasons you or someone you know may have trouble kicking the habit:
1) Nicotine is powerfully addictive. Withdrawal symptoms can be challenging to overcome, and physical nicotine cravings, although typically only 1-2 minutes in duration, can be quite strong.
2) Smoking cigarettes can become a habitual part of your life; you may smoke every time you have a cup of coffee, when you are driving to work, or while on the phone. If you are used to having a cigarette at certain times of day or during certain situations, it can be a challenge to change these habits.
3) People smoke for a reason. Whether it is the stress of a hard day at work, a difficult relationship, or small worries that add up to a stressful day, there is often an emotional aspect to a person's smoking addiction. In order to quit smoking for good, this underlying emotional element must be addressed.
Despite these challenges, you can break your smoking habit, and you can do it naturally. The first step is to become more aware of the reasons you smoke. By identifying your smoking triggers, you can take control of your habits and turn them around.
Quitting smoking is more than just giving up cigarettes; it is an opportunity to transform your life and the way that you react to situations.
It is a chance for you to start thinking and living in a healthier way, for the benefit of not only yourself, but for everyone in your life.
There are several safe and natural therapies that can help you quit smoking. Acupuncture is one of these natural options for reducing nicotine cravings, promoting better mood and energy, and improving overall health. Acupuncture has been shown to be more effective than most conventional anti-smoking medications, and has twice the success rate of nicotine replacement medications for smoking cessation. There are botanical 7 homeopathic formulations that act by the same mechanism as the new anti-smoking medication, without causing as many side effects.
These herbal supplements can be used in combination with other therapies to increase your success rates of quitting smoking.
If you want to permanently end your dependence on cigarettes, your greatest chance of success is with a program that addresses all three elements of your smoking addiction. You may be able to do this on your own, depending on the extent of your addiction. Professional assistance ensures a greater likelihood of long term success.
Why stop smoking ? That is the question and I hope you have at least ONE answer. I am sure you know smoking is bad for your health so this may be your answer : "if I stop smoking I will be healthier". Healthier ? Do you know how much you can get healthier ? I am going to tell you what are the different health reasons you should quit smoking, and some more reasons just for your knowledge.
Your heart. Stop smoking and you will reduce the risks of having a heart attack.
Your lungs and all your respiratory system. It's well known smokers are quickly out of breath. Lungs functions decreases and the risk of having a lung cancer becomes higher for smokers. Stopping smoking will help you recover your lungs capacity.
Your brain. Nicotine is a drug that reach your brain in 10 seconds. This is the nicotine that also creates the addiction. If you want to keep your brain working as you need it, stop smoking. Do I need to remind you how the brain is important ?
Your throat. Toxic substances acccumulate and increase the risks of having a larynx and oesophagus cancer (it seems lung cancer wasn't enough).
Your stomach, intestines, alimentary canal and liver. All the digestive system is attacked by tobacco. Ulcer and chronic diseases can appear in these organs.
Your mouth. This is not only a bad breath problem. This is also mouth infections, gum diseases, or getting loose of teeth. Smoking causes tongue or mouth cancer too.
Your eyes. Smoking increases the risks of cataract, which can leads to blindness.
Your skin. Tar smoke provoke yellow fingers and stain the nails. It also speeds up the skin aging and the wrinkles developpment. Stop smoking and you will look younger longer.
Your sexual health. Risks of impotence and infertility are higher when you smoke. The risks for women of miscarriage or to give birth to premature babies are also higher. Please girls, don't wait to be pregnant to stop smoking. And boys, if you want still want to make love when you want, stop smoking. At 30, it becomes smokers harder to get hard, well... not cool.
So now, you know the health reasons why you should stop smoking. Be aware that the health of people around you is in danger. Your family, your children, your friends, your work mates.
Now, some more reasons to stop smoking, just for you :
Stop smoking and save money. What can you buy for you or someone else with the money saved ? Look at it for a week, a month, or a year.
Stop smoking and smell better (hairs, clothes, car, houses, curtains). Your smell sense will also improve, as well as your taste sense.
Stop smoking and have more energy. Make some sport !
Stop smoking and reduce the risk of fire accidents.
Stop smoking and get your teeth cleaner, and better breath. Smoking stinks.
Stop smoking and be calmer. You will also sleep better.
Stop smoking and be proud of you.
There are plenty of other reasons why you should stop smoking, find yours and think about them each time you want to smoke. Your life and your close ones lives depend on it.
When you are not smoking, you are giving your body the ability to recover from the harm you do to it. The longer you are not smoking the healthier you will get. Okay, you already know that but what happens in your body when you stop smoking in the short, mid and long run. Here is a little timeline and the (almost) immediate effects of stopping smoking.
20 minutes after you stop smoking your blood pressure will drop back to normal. So does your pulse rate. High blood pressure and pulse rate increases the risk of heart attack. Also the body temperature of hands and feet increases to normal. Are you ready to take these first minutes ? If so, let's go further.
8 hours after you quit smoking, the carbon monoxide levels in your blood will drop by half. Smoking causes carbon monoxide (combustion) in your lungs, but your lungs need oxygen. Carbon monoxide is a POISON. This is why you can't breath normally : if you have carbon monoxide in your lungs and blood, you have less oxygen.
24 hours after your last puff, you get rid of carbon monoxide in your body. You have more oxygen now and can think about sport again !
After 48 hours, your body also get rid of nicotine. The risk of having a heart attack is lower. The senses of taste and smell will improve. Shall I remind you how smoke stinks ? There are better taste and smells than the cigarette one. Another effect at this time is the nerve endings are regrowing.
After 72 hours, a nice sequence starts : bronchial tubes will relax, so you will breath more easily. Breathing easily leads to a bigger lung capacity. Breathing better leads to higher energy levels. (Thank you Mr Oxygen !)
From 2 weeks to 6 months after you quit smoking, many things happen. Your blood circulation constantly improves, walking will become easier, your lung functions increase, you will cough less, sinus congestion will decrease.
After 9 months you will see improvements for almost everything told above. You really are getting healthier and you will feel it. Your lungs and your heart will thank you.
After 1 year your risk of having a heart attack will drop by half.
After 5 years the risk of having a lung cancer decreases.
After 10 years the risk of lung cancer and other cancers is the same as a non-smoker.
After 15 years your can expect a longer and healthier life : the risk of heart attack is the same as a non-smoker.
Don't you think that's worth it ? So, what are you waiting to stop smoking now ? By stopping smoking you are also stopping killing yourself, or at least you will lower the risk of diseases and heart attack (not only for you, but also for your circle). Quitting smoking is worth it: do it

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