Saturday, February 28, 2009

Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Sponsorship

Addressing social needs is a major requirement for positive global growth. To make a difference, many corporations have become involved in corporate social responsibility. Many businesses have expendable capital which can be easily used to fund social development projects, or they are able to gain a tax benefit for charitable contributions.In South Africa especially, the underprivileged in society and depletion of natural resources has become a concern for the population, and corporations are becoming more involved than ever before with investments to help these problems.Whether through employee donations, investments by the corporations themselves or simply time donated by businesses and employees involvement in various charities and outreach programmes by corporate social responsibility has begun to create a positive change for millions of lives in South Africa.How corporations are becoming involvedAny corporation or business can become involved in a social or ecological responsibility programme. Many companies are 'going green' by encouraging employees to refrain from printing unnecessary documents and wasting paper to preserve trees. Recycling paper is another popular method used to create a more eco-friendly work place. Replacing air-conditioning systems which emit harmful CFC's into the environment with more eco-friendly air conditioning systems is becoming commonplace as well.Other methods of companies encouraging eco-friendly corporate behavior include recycling rubbish, forming lift clubs to decrease the number of cars required to transport employees to work, encouraging the use of public transport to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and requesting employees to be more eco friendly in their homes.All of these things help to reduce a company's carbon-footprint.Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetimeSustainable development is another positive venture which many responsible corporations have become involved in. Giving donations may be a viable method of helping a local community, but teaching a community a method of sustaining themselves has a more long term benefit.Companies are now becoming involved in helping locals to create better opportunities for their own lives. Initiatives such as donating books and computers to schools, teaching locals how to care for sick children, how to make money using natural resources without damaging the environment, educating with regard to HIV and AIDS and how to care for the environment are just some of the methods of allowing locals to live a better life through education.HIV, AIDS, violence and unrestOne of the main concerns in South Africa is the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. Corporate schemes are able to donate money to help the people involved in the problems emanating from AIDS and HIV, but helping with medicine will only help the problem to an extent.Many companies are becoming involved in the efforts to prevent the problems persisting and worsening through education. Education is South Africa's best chance and weapon against disease, violence and poverty. Through these educational schemes which are made possible by corporate donations, effort and time; prevention is possible.Added to the HIV/AIDS issues of South Africa are the problems concerning TB, cancer, malnutrition, drug addiction, crime, lack of proper housing, AIDS orphans, child abuse, violence against women, animal abuse, and other serious issues. These problems not only require counseling, medical treatment and other costs, but most of all require education schemes to alleviate lack of knowledge which is a major contributor to these problems.Corporate social responsibility and social development is a venture which is creating positive change in the problems South Africa faces in terms of the environment and humanity. With corporate social responsibility a company is able to 'put back' some of the opportunities they have experienced into the less fortunate. Education is such an important tool for South Africa to be able to thrive, as is treating the many sick, abused, frightened and helpless.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Promotional awareness

Promotional awareness to bring public attention

Promotional awareness portions are very productive tools that your organizations can exercise to bring public attention to noteworthy justifications and distributes you advocate. Compared with video and newspaper advertisements, these giveaways are sure ways to receive higher seal and bodily with your recipients and will generate it more straightforward for your marketing messages to sink in.
When picking promotional awareness goods, color is a principle consideration. Causes and advocacies broadly articulating have a corresponding color. Red stands for the scuffle against drugs and HIV/AIDS. Green has regularly been connected with the setting, where pink is adapted for any awareness campaigns that involve women such as cervical and breast cancer. Yellow, popularized in the song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree," has stood for the sentiment of a family member awaiting the return of a loved one from military deployment. Blue has been adapted for juvenile affront awareness and anti-smoking campaigns.
Among the bulk lasting awareness icons is the red ribbon, which has been adapted as a symbol for drug prevention and the scuffle against AIDS. One of its bulk visible engages in the United States is for the National Red Ribbon Week, which purposes to elevate awareness for alcohol, roll of rolls of tobacco, and drug and violence prevention. The commemoration traces its roots to the covering of Agent Enrique Camarena, a Drug Enforcement Administration staff toiling undercover in Mexico for four years. His actions led to the research of a multimillion-dollar drug-manufacturing task, which angered drug cartel heads, any person who kidnapped, tortured, and slaughtered Camarena.
The constant exercise of the pink ribbon has detected it strongly with women's distributes today. The icon comes imprinted in many promotional awareness goods such as essential chains, magnets, sticky messages, paper clips, and lapel pins. Similarly, pink giveaways such as aprons, totes, pens, analyze stories, umbrellas, and tumblers have been adapted for breast cancer fundraising and visibility campaigns.
Environment-loving advocacies can generate exercise of green giveaways as well as promotional awareness portions that are reusable or organised from sustainable or recyclable materials. Some cases of these are the ever-popular canvas shopping totes, visual public demonstrates and notepad from recycled paper, and mugs, bandage dispensers, and pens organised from corn plastic. Beyond color, the material lends an authenticity and consistency to the cause.

HIV Testing

HIV Testing Would Reveal Many Undiagnosed Cases

There would be many lives saved each year by increasing the number of HIV tests performed on people between the ages of 13 and 64. Thousands of different groups and organizations across the United State are offering HIV testing.
The CDC and the FDA are national organizations that recommend for everyone that gets a routine physical exam to be tested for HIV and AIDs. For women who are pregnant they should get tested early in their pregnancy just to be sure. If a person is diagnosed with HIV and it is caught early then it can be arrested before it becomes full blown AIDS, according to information provided by the CDC.
The National STD and HIV testing resource web site has a list of sites that you can go where you can get tested in your area, and testing is simple. Some sites use saliva or urine, while others require a small amount of blood. There are many locations that feature fast results, and this can give you results in a short amount of time, but other locations require several days to process. Either way its wise to get the test, and will clear up whether you have the disease.
If you live in an isolated area or are embarrassed to go to a testing center, there is a kit that is approved by the FDA called the HIV home Access testing kit system. It is available at drug stores and also on the Internet. It involves pricking your finger with a special device, and placing drops of blood on a special device and chemically treated card.
You then seal the kit and mail it to a testing licensed laboratory facility. Customers are not assigned names but given a number for identification. The cost of the test is about $50 dollars,
So no matter the method, it is easy to get an HIV test and to find out if you are at risk for the disease, or if you have HIV . So join in and decide to take control, and take the test. It is simple, easy and you wont regret knowing for sure if you have contacted the disease or not.
Many people who discover they have HIV are able to prevent the disease from progressing and they are happy to live with HIV rather than have the disease advance

HIV Under Reported

Aging, and HIV - Under Reported, and Misunderstood

The number of people over 50 years old who are HIV positive being under-reported. With current information stating that the infection rate is around 8 % of all newly reported infections. In addition to this, the number of people who are HIV positive and are 50 years old and older, is rising. The fact that HAART's (highly active antiretroviral therapy) are now helping people to live longer, means that men and women with HIV/AIDS are now facing the challenges of living with the disease, along side the effects of aging.
Many of the effects that HIV/AIDS or the ARV's (anti-retrovirals) have on health are similar to that of aging. This creates challenges in knowing what the causes of certain conditions are. The following conditions are common to both age, and HIV infection:
- Immune function decline
- Cardiovascular diseases
- High blood pressure
- Kidney disease
- Cancers
- Diabetes
- Dementia
- Depression
- Nutritional problems
- Sexual dysfunctions
It is unfortunate, but adults over 50 years of age do not participate in many clinical trials. This is helping to fuel the lack of data on the older adults and antiretroviral therapy. Some studies do indicate that the ARV's are just as effective in older people as they are for younger people.
However, it may be partly due to the fact that older adults tend to follow their HIV prescription therapy better than younger adults. Adherence to HIV therapy is important as it offers fewer chances for the virus to adapt and grow strong again. Non-adherence often leads to patients having to switch from a single ARV therapy to a cocktail of two or three anti-AIDS medicines.
Side effects of the medicine do not seem to be any more frequent in older adults, however they may be felt to be more severe. Also, it is worth noting that CD4 counts may not increase as much in older people.
There is a mistaken belief out in society that older adults are not at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. This is simply not true, but due to this belief, many older people are diagnosed late. A consequence of this is delayed treatment, depending on which specialist you refer to, can be a good thing or a bad thing.
Those who are diagnosed later in life also face a dual stigma. Our society holds negative attitudes towards HIV and AIDS, as well as aging. As a consequence, older adults who are diagnosed more commonly experience depression.
For those who are newly diagnosed, there are some very specific screening tests which should accompany routine tests for monitoring HIV. These following tests can be an effective tool for you and your doctor to measure health, and identify early on, conditions related to HIV, AIDS, and aging:
- Bone density exam
- Blood pressure
- Fasting blood glucose
- Lipids profile
- Kidney function
Recognizing and addressing problems early on is key to successful treatment. Addressing depression and anxiety in older adults, as well as young adults, can ensure adherence to the treatment guidelines as set out by the doctor. It also serves to ensure regular health care visits, participation in social activities, and personal relationships which include a healthy sex life. Non-adherence can lead to declining health for individuals, and more virulent strains of HIV/AIDS which require more financial resources to manage.



Statistics have shown that most of the killer diseases like stroke, HIV/AIDS, heart diseases, cancers, bronchitis etc, could have been prevented if a healthy lifestyle is applied. So for you to stay healthy and live long, you must apply some healthy lifestyle method. With this you can see that it takes more than a regular medical check up to live a healthy life, unlike what many people are made to believe. With these principles, you can see that you are the major beneficially, ask me how. When you quit smoking, you will go a long way saving a lot of money before the month comes to an end, the same thing is applicable even to alcohol. Why can't you go ahead and quit all these things that have nothing to contribute to your health positively. With this tips, I hope you will stay alive to see your great grand children. EXERCISE; if you must stay alive to see your great grand children, please, exercise should be a top priority for you, it helps you physically by strengthening your muscle and bones. It helps you to be flexible, and fastens the uptake of nutrients from the blood to the cells, which helps the cell to function properly. No one can claim to be living a healthy lifestyle if exercise is not part of his/her daily routine. Regular exercises can helps you mentally by improving you mental alertness and agility. Healthy Dieting MEALS; for you to achieve this, you must lay emphasis more on what you eat, the food you take is a major determinant of what your health status will in a few years to come. "You are what you eat" Make sure that your food contains all the essential nutrients your body needs. Make sure that you balance the calories in your body, i.e. the one you use during the exercise is not greater than the one you get from food. Eat a lot of dark-green leafy and deep yellow vegetables, Fruits; citrus fruits or juices, melons, and berries; Dry beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peanuts; whole grains, such as wheat, rice, oats, corn, and barley. Eating the appropriate food with low calories will help to stay alive and see your great grand children. Try to take water regularly, and make sure that the water you are taking is well treated to avoid contacting disease from it. Sex is worth waiting for, if you must go, try to play safe, sexually transmitted diseases can destroy your life. If you noticed any change in your body system, please try to go for a medical check. Practicing a good personal hygiene is the key success in achieving your goal.

Women and HIV+

Women and HIV/AIDS

Both men and women benefit from highly active combination antiretroviral therapy, or HAART. It can decrease incidences of opportunistic infections, delay the onset of AIDS, and increase lifespan. There is little doubt that HAART therapy is beneficial for those with HIV.
There are however many unanswered questions on HAART. This is especially true for women on HAART as the prevalence of HIV and AIDS in the male population is significantly higher. Due to this higher prevalence, more data is available on the effects of the therapy for men than for women. As with any new treatment regimen, one must take care to monitor their health with their doctor. If you are woman who is HIV positive, these following tips can help you and your health care provider monitor your treatment regimen, and the effects it is having on your health.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
The appropriate drug dosage varies from one person to another, and individual responses to HIV medicines are unique to each individual. Body chemistry, liver function, and overall health can determine whether or not you are taking enough of a drug, or too little of a drug. Therapeutic drug monitoring is a test that determines how much of the drug is present in the bloodstream. This can help you and your doctor to determine whether you are receiving too much, or too little of the prescription medication.
Lipodystrophy is a side effect of HIV and AIDS drugs, and will affect men and women quite differently. Lipodystrophy is a general medical term describing the abnormal accumulation or degeneration of the body's adipose (fat) tissues.
Lipodystropy associated with HAART typically sees men experiencing more wasting in the limbs and face. Men also tend to experience elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. Women more often experience accumulation of fat in the breasts and abdomen, and do not experience the same elevations of cholesterol and triglycerides. This may be partly due to the fact that women more often endure shorter HAART regimens, the fact that women accumulate body fat differently than men, and hormonal differences.
Low Bone Density
Low bone density is another side effect of HIV medications and HAART therapy. This becomes an even bigger problem in women who are long term survivors as bone density naturally decreases in women as they age, or may already be present. HIV positive women should have their bone-mass checked regularly. The factors mentioned above can lead to premature osteoporosis-like symptoms in women, and the related injuries and ailments associated with it.
Side Effects
HIV positive women report more side effects from HAART more often than men. Nelfinavir and Ritonavir have more severe side effects in women. Typical side-effects of Nelfinavir include skin itchiness and rashes, and moderate to severe abdominal pain, but less incidents of diarrhea than Ritonavir. On the other hand, women taking Ritonavir tend to report more nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malaise, and fatigue. Females with HIV are also more likely to suffer from rashes than men when taking Nevirapine, Atripla, and Delavirdine.
It is worthwhile to note that most dosing regimens are based on data from clinical trials involving male-dominated sampling and testing. This again reinforces the importance of therapeutic drug monitoring to ensure that you are taking the correct amount of medicine for you.
Highly active combination antiretroviral therapy can decrease incidences of opportunistic infections, delay the onset of AIDS, and increase lifespan. There is little doubt that HAART therapy is beneficial for those with HIV. There are also still many unanswered questions. These medications are not without potential side-effects and long-term toxicities. It is also important to note that adherence to the HAART regimen provided by your doctor will also help to lower the chances that the HIV/AIDS virus will develop resistance to the medication. If you are considering HAART or are already being treated ensure that you follow your doctors' guidelines, and maintain regular visits to ensure the best overall health possible

Saving Lives

Employee Drug Testing & Student Drug Testing

It is your business what you put in your body, from your food, drink and even the medicines you take. It is everyone's right or business to insure that what we put in our body is the best for us. Whether we are an employee or a student, we should be able to put whatever we want in our bodies, right?
Well, some of us may want to rethink that idea. Would you want an airline pilot sitting at the bar drinking alcohol one hour before take off? How about an air-traffic controller doing cocaine in the bathroom just before he begins his shift? Would you want the school bus driver using drugs while transporting student? Wouldn't you want to know that they are undergoing regular
Employee Drug Testing?
What about the truck driver carrying 80,000 pounds fully loaded that hasn't slept for days because he has been doing methamphetamines? Or the forklift operator that drank too much the night before and now has a long shift in the warehouse with a hangover? What about the accountant who smokes marijuana one hour before he is going to do your taxes? Do you think he might miss a deduction or two?
Are these people undergoing Drug Testing? Don't you believe they should? Employees who are using illegal drugs or alcohol tend to file more worker's compensation claims. They tend to report late, or not at all, to their job sites, are generally less productive than the non-drug-using employee and will frequently change jobs. Wouldn't it be far simpler to implement an Employee Drug Testing policy for everyone you employ?
Requiring a drug-free environment in your workplace by implementing an Employee Drug Testing Program can gain many benefits. You would have less absenteeism, better morale, decreased use of medical insurance benefits and more productive employees.
Families, too, are being affected by drug abuse, but in a different way. A husband that abuses drugs or a wife who drinks too much alcohol often cannot hold down a job, much less keep one. This affects the entire family. What if the parent operates equipment that could endanger himself or herself or another employee; wouldn't you want to see your employer Drug Testing at your job?
A teenager that drinks or uses drugs because of the pressures of school and home life are too much for him to handle may one day he get in his car, under the influence, and lose his life or take the lives of other innocent people. Perhaps you should consider supporting your local High School's
Student Drug Testing program.
Schools regularly have their athletes tested for steroids as well as testing other students who may be using marijuana or heroin or other substances for recreational purposes. These Student Drug Testing Programs keep your children safe and you, as a parent, out of court.
Consider the potential costs of other problems relating to illegal drugs and alcohol. We are taxed so that the government can pay millions of dollars on incarceration, health care and so on for crimes and heath problems that are directly related to substance abuse. Did you realize that these substances could cause heart problems? A person using methamphetamines for any length of time can run up a myriad of different health care costs in the long run including dental costs and mental health care costs. Of course, injected substances can cause other problems, such as HIV when needles are shared.
Wouldn't you want your loved ones Drug Tested in a Student
Drug Testing program at school and an Employee Drug Testing program at work in order to save their lives? It might give them an opportunity to see that they have a problem and allow them to 'kick' their bad habits and move on to a more productive way of life. And also, it would put your liability, provided that person is a minor, on a lower scale. If your minor child, who is using drugs and happens to work or drive a car, gets into a wreck or hurts someone on the job, you may be liable for that person's actions. Court costs these days are tremendous, not counting the settlement money you'd have to pay to the injured party. No more college for junior and you can probably forget about that new house you were planning to buy.
Everybody loses when a drug abuser doesn't respect what he or she put in his or her body. Whether your reasons are - a lost relationship, lost income from your business or the loss of the business itself or even the loss of a loved one - accountability has to begin somewhere. Shouldn't it begin with you?
Employee Drug Testing and Student Drug Testing programs are reasonable courses of action for both businesses and schools to ensure that their employees and students are not abusing illegal substances thereby keeping health care costs, incarceration costs, court costs and accidents at a minimum.
Drug Testing saves time and money and just plain makes sense!


Trichomoniasis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Trichomoniasis or most commonly known as Trich and is considered to be the main cause of vaginitis. It spreads through external water sources and is also considered to be a sexually transmitted disease or STD. It is manly the infection of the urogenitical tract.
Motile flagellated protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis is the root cause for the infection Trichomoniasis. With this parasite, worldwide around 174 million people are affected and it is the sexually transmitted infection and making it one of curable infection in the world.
15mm is the average size of Trichomoniasis (not visible to naked eyes). This parasite's reproduction occurs every 8 t o12 hours. Of the infected female partners 67% to 100% and male partners 14% to 60% this parasite Trichomoniasis was isolated. It is unclear that more than male why females are affected more. Zinc contains are found in the fluid prostatic is one of the harmful chances to trichomonads.
-Swelling in the scrotum (A pouch of skin that contains epididymides, lower portions of the spermatic cords and the testes).
-Pain while urination
-Discharge of urethral
-The majority of the males have no symptoms
-Vaginal discharge
-Itchy, smelly and typically foamy and frothy discharge
-During urination pain is possible (a sensation which is unpleasant that ranges from discomfort to agony and mild. It also has emotional and physical components)
-Itching in vagina
-Gray green or yellow discharge
-Infected females upto one third have no symptoms
-When the itching is started you have to take the medical care
Treatment: Self Care At Home
The treatment to this infection is of the choice antibiotics of the doctor. In addition some medicine therapies are available to the antibiotics. No scientific evidences support these therapies for use. Without an doctor's consult and antibiotics which is appropriate should not be used this is called home therapy (using your own medicine),by doing home therapy it would lead to many sexually transmitted diseases which are very harmful to our body like Chlamydia or gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV. To increase the parasite killing activity you can add the juice of lemon to the following douches:
-One quart of water to one quart of vinegar
-Yogurt douches
-You can also try aromatherapy which helps to reduce the irritation during urinal
Medical Treatment:
The choice of the treatment is metronidazole (flagyl) except in the first trimester of your pregnancy and also it is important to note that not to consume alcohol during the drug consumption. This treatment is very large single dose which is effective very much. Partners should take care that though your partner might not have the symptoms it is safe to have your partner is evaluated and treated or else you may be infected.
May be your partner may be given a very large dose of this treatment or will be treated of the period of seven days. Or your doctor may not give the prescription without routinely examining your partner.
-So to avoid this infection safe sex and hygiene are helpful to prevent this infection.
-Do wear condoms during sex
-Towels and swimsuits should not be shared (until 45 minutes, because trichomonads are active till 45 minutes)
-Before and after intercourse do wash
-After swimming the public pool do have a shower
To Your Health!

The Gay Life

Life Insurance If You Are Gay

You are probably going to need life assurance if you want to insure your health or your income should you become ill and unable to work- something which is especially important for single people or people with dependents, including a same-sex partner.
There are also instances, like buying a house, when life insurance may be necessary.
Providers might want to know if you are gay. They will ask you to complete an application form which will include information on whether your partner is in the homosexual category.
The enquiry may not be direct but the insurance company will subsequently send out an intrusive questionnaire on lifestyle.
It might be tempting not to disclose information or to give false details but this would only serve invalidate your insurance and is consequently a very bad idea. Furthermore, this can give rise to considerable difficulties when reapplying to other companies.
Once the form has been completed, you may then be requested to take a test to find out if you are HIV positive. There are no pre-set rules on testing and insurance companies are fairly random in their selection process.
If you do test positive for HIV, it will be difficult to buy products associated with life insurance. Simply taking the test itself can result in a refusal of cover by some insurers, even if the result is negative.
Even if you pass all the tests satisfactorily some companies will still double or treble your premiums. Most companies will insist on HIV testing for gay men who apply for income protection or critical illness policies even though neither would pay out for an HIV related claim.
If you believe life cover has been unfairly refused, write to the Association of British Insurers at 51 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HQ.
Phil Carvosso, of Carvosso & Co, a financial adviser based in Brighton, says: 'It is not nice knowing the insurer can claim rights to some of your blood." Understandably the test can be harrowing.
He recommends that you take the test on your own terms in advance of going to an insurer. To avoid insurance companies being allowed access to areas of your medical history, some people suggest getting drug or STD treatment at anonymous clinics which are available in nearly every town or city. The National Aids Helpline or the Terrence Higgins Trust should be able to help you locate a suitable one.
Present guidelines used by the insurance industry in relation to gay applications are very out of date. The ABI has been considering new proposals thanks to tireless campaigning by gay IFA Chris Morgan and the Terrence Higgins Trust.
There has already been an agreement between The ABI and The British Medical Association whereby doctors should not be requested to give information on STIs and negative HIV tests. New proposals would make the risk assessment undertaken by insurance more up- to- date by ensuring that safe sexual behaviour, rather than sexuality, is the criterion.
Although it may be some time before new guidelines are fully implemented, gay applicants can normally still obtain the cover they need even in the present system. Independent Financial Advisors, specialising in gay finance can often find cover without any need for testing and on precisely the same terms that apply to heterosexual applicants.

Beware of HIV Kits

Beware of HIV Kits that are not FDA Approved

Approved HIV kits
AIDS is a disease that attacks the immuno system of a person leverage coextensive a road that the body of the fall guy finds positive onerous to battle infections. Guidance undifferentiated mortals, mild and rare diseases enlarge into touch-and-go conditions. And all this is brought about by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Corporal is seeing of this that HIV tests are today required, which is possible either finished lab tests or cover the usefulness of approved HIV kits. Shield these approved HIV kits, physical is possible to asset out if you are suffering from AIDS go underground gross anonymity. Indubitable is for of this that most nation elevate using approved HIV kits than sanguine tests to good buy out if they are suffering from HIV.
HIV Internal Assessment Kit dispense accurate results
HIV Homey Assessment Equipment is clinically proven and FDA certified to steward whereas unharmed, accurate and valid being the tests conducted by doctors, health clinics and hospitals. These HIV kits are straightforward to mobilization for they all come camouflage a spacious instruction pamphlet protect illustrations. The approved HIV tools comes screen a unpretentious blotter that comes secrete a single 11 digit code; and factual is this code that gives you mysterious connection to adept counsellors who adjust decisive that you convenience the HIV Local Appraisal Utensils properly impact conducting your examination. Besides, actual is on ice this code that the collision of the test are sent to you, and not ended item of your personal dope. This ensures that no one will recognize that you had bought and performed an HIV Familiar Examination Kit.
The full testing system
All that has to symbolize done to achieve a inspection is to restore your finger and put a few drops on the blotter. This blotter ergo has to steward shipped to the laboratory of the approved HIV apparatus, now per their technique. You stir effect mark 24 hours; all that has to act for done is a phone call to the lab the next day, give your 11 digit code for identification and ask for results. Whatever the result may be, you can ask for counselling. If results are negative, you can learn how to more careful in the future, and not fall victim to AIDS. And if results are positive, you can find out what treatment options you have and learn about professional post - test aids counselling and medical referrals.
Beware of HIV kits that are not FDA approved
There are many HIV kits available on the market today; however not all of them are FDA approved. There are some kits that say that they can detect antibodies of HIV in saliva and blood samples within 15 minutes. However these tests are not guaranteed and may not always give the right results. Moreover, they are not FDA approved kits, making them unfit for use. There are even some HIV home test kits that falsely claim to be FDA approved. Always confirm if the HIV kit is approved by looking for the test in a list of FDA approved HIV tests, available on the internet.

Health Benefits of Maple Tree

Health Benefits of Maple Tree and Syrup

Maple syrups come from the saps of maple trees. There are certain processes involved in extracting the syrup from the sap, the most common being that used with a sap sprout.
The sap has more water than sugar, like around 98%. So to get that 2% of syrup is definitely a very tedious process. The process involves boiling the sap to evaporate most of the water inside. It will be then easier to extract the sugary syrup once the water content vanishes.
Maple syrups are produced by sugar makers in sugar houses using evaporator and pans. They fill the pans with saps and boil them. The water from the tap turns to steam and then goes out of the sugar house. The syrup is ready when the sap is boiling in 7oF.
The extraction needs a lot of patience because it is a very slow process. Forty gallons of sap will only produce one gallon of a very pure maple syrup. When the syrup is ready, it has to be filtered to eliminate the sugar sand found in the mixture. This slow process is probably the reason maple syrups are more expensive than sugar.
Even if extracting the syrup takes a lot of time, it is still worth it, considering the many benefits it entails. Maple syrup is one rich source of manganese and zinc. Manganese produces energy and antioxidant. These antioxidants are defenses against various illnesses. It also acts as an immuno-stimulant. Manganese also aids the production of sex hormones.
For those with high cholesterol, maple syrup serves as a catalyst that hastens the chemical reaction of foods in the body.
On the other hand, zinc decreases progression of atherosclerosis. Zinc also helps keep our bodies healthy and less prone to injuries. Zinc is beneficial also to the reproductive health of men. It is stored in the prostate, and prevents prostate cancer.
Maple syrup is also clinically proven to benefit people in other aspects. The good thing about this syrup is that it is one hundred percent natural and organic. As such, it is a better alternative to sugar to act as a sweetener. This is good for those who are diabetic, or suffering from other illnesses that prevent them from having too much sugar intake.
It is interesting to note that maple syrups are three times sweeter than a sugar cane, yet it is amazing that it has fewer calories. It only takes little to sweeten a cup of coffee or tea, or other foods. It can also be added to fruit juices or shakes. Some use maple syrups to top their pancakes. Thus, more people prefer maple syrups over sugar even if it is more expensive.
Another advantage of maple syrup is the fact that it does not undergo can kind of processing or artificial production. It is therefore cleaner compared to other sweeteners, and consequently better for your body.
While low in calories, maple syrup's nutritional profile is comprised of protein, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and zinc.

Bone Cancer by Top Women's Health

Bone Cancer

Cancer of the bone or bone cancer is a general term used when cancer cells are seen in the bone. Cancer that begins in the bone is called primary bone cancer. It is found most often in the arms and legs but it can occur in any bone in the body. Children and young people are more likely than adults to have bone cancers.
Primary bone cancers are called sarcomas. There are several different types of sarcoma and each type begins in a different kind of bone tissue. The most common sarcomas are osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, and chondrosarcoma.
In young people, the most common type of bone cancer is osteosarcoma, usually occurring between the ages of ten and twenty-five. More often, males are affected than females. Osteosarcoma frequently starts in the ends of the bones; where new bone tissue forms as a young person grows, usually affecting the long bones of the arms and legs. Ewing's sarcoma usually affects teenagers, and is mostly found in people between ten and twenty-five years old. This cancer forms in the middle part (shaft) of large bones and most often affects the hip bones and long bones in the thigh and upper arm, but can also occur in the ribs. Chondrosarcoma is a type of tumor that forms in the cartilage (rubbery tissue around the joints) and are found mainly in adults. Other types of bone cancer include fibrosarcoma (malignant giant cell tumor) and chordoma. These are rare cancers and most often affects people over thirty.
The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain. However, symptoms may vary depending on the location and size of the cancer. Sometimes firm, slightly tender lump on the bone can be felt through the skin. Sometimes bone cancer interferes with normal movements and can also weaken or cause bones to break. Tumors that occur in or near joints may cause swelling and tenderness in the affected area. Other symptoms may include fatigue, fever, weight loss, and anemia. It is important to check with a doctor when you experience these symptoms, but these symptoms can also be caused by other less serious conditions.
Treatment for some bone tumors may involve surgery, such as limb amputation. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are effective in some tumors (such as Ewing's sarcoma) but less so in others (such as chondrosarcoma). After treatment has been done for bone cancer, it is very important that regular follow-up or check-ups are done with your doctor, to be sure that cancer has not come back and treat it promptly if it does. Check-ups may be physical exam, x-rays, scans, blood tests, and other laboratory tests.
People who have been diagnosed of bone cancer may have many physical, emotional, practical worries. They may worry that removal of a limb or other surgery will affect not only how they look but how other people would feel about them. Patients can be helped to overcome all these through special support groups for youngsters with cancer and their families.

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common of human cancer. It is estimated that over a million new cases occur annually. The skin is the largest organ of the human body, serving in both a protective layer and aesthetic capacity. Skin cancer refers to several types of malignancies that can occur, including basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and malignant melanoma. Although the first two types of skin malignancies are usually more treatable and are often described together as nonmelanoma skin cancers (NMSC), melanoma is classified as a separate type of cancer with typically more aggressive behavior and prognosis.
Types of Skin Cancer Basal cell skin cancer grows slowly. It usually occurs on areas of the skin that have been in the sun, and it is most common on the face. Basal cell cancer rarely spreads to other parts of the body.
Squamous cell skin cancer also occurs on parts of the skin that have been in the sun, but it also may be in places that are not in the sun. Squamous cell cancer sometimes spreads to lymph nodes and organs inside the body.
Minor surface skin can cancers care readily treatable by simple surgery, but if the cancer is allowed to grow, it can penetrate through the layers of skin and affect the lymphatic system. It may also spread to other parts of the body (metastasize). Skin cancers which are aggressive, recurrent or located upon 'high risk sites' of the body such as the central face, scalp, ears, or genitalia, may require more advanced surgical approaches such as Moh's micrographic surgery to attain high cure rates.
Signs and Symptoms There are various symptoms for different skin cancer. These includes sores or changes in the skin that do not heal, ulcers in the skin or, discoloring in parts of the skin, and changes in existing moles.
Basal cell carcinoma usually looks like a raised, smooth, pearly bump on the sun-exposed skin of the head, neck or shoulders. Sometimes small blood vessels can be seen within the tumor. Crusting and bleeding in the center of the tumour frequently develops. It is often mistaken for a sore that does not heal.
Squamous cell carcinoma is commonly a red, scaling, thickened patch on sun-exposed skin. Ulceration and bleeding may occur. When SCC is not treated, it may develop into a large mass.
Most malignant melanomas are brown to black looking lesions. Signs that might indicate a malignant melanoma include change in size, shape, color or elevation of a mole. The appearance of a new mole during adulthood, or new pain, itching, ulceration or bleeding of an existing mole should be checked.
Skin cancer is usually not painful but can sometimes be. Checking your skin for new gorwths or other changes is advisable, but always remember that changes in the skin are not a sure sign of skin cancer. Still you have to let your doctor examine any changes to your skin right away for proper diagnosis and treatment of skin problems.

Treatment Options for Skin Cancer

Alternative Treatment Options for Skin Cancer

Alternative Treatment Options for Skin Cancer
If you someday become diagnosed with skin cancer and survive, one of the most worrisome issues you will face will be preventing a recurrence of the cancer. After successful treatment, your doctor will continue to schedule regular follow-up appointments to ensure that you remain skin cancer-free. Even regular medical attention is no substitute for exercising good skin care habits.
First, make sure to avoid any kind of prolonged exposure to the sun. This means that you should avoid the prime daylight hours of ten in the morning to two in the afternoon. If you must be out, always wear an appropriate sun block, and avoid direct exposure to the sun by wearing long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and light colors that help reflect the sun away from your body. Most importantly, to prevent a recurrence of skin cancer, you must conduct regular self-examinations, and consult your doctor immediately if you note any discolorations or suspicious moles or lesions.
But, that is not always enough and sometimes the unthinkable happens. So, if you are diagnosed with skin cancer you should know what your alternatives are.
The most important objective in skin cancer treatment is to eliminate the growth and then contain the spread of the cancer. There are many alternatives that will be used depending on what the diagnosis is.
* Kaposi's sarcoma is very serious and must be treated by the use of chemotherapy.
* Melanoma, if it has spread, which is one of the dangers of this type of skin cancer, will be treated the same way once the initial growth has been removed.
* If Paget's disease is the type of skin cancer that must be treated then a mastectomy is likely the only alternative.
What about other alternatives to ensure that there will not be a reoccurrence? Some people believe, and studies have shown some evidence to collaborate this belief, that if you use other treatments alongside the standard medical procedures there are potentially better outcomes. Nutrition is believed to be a big factor in recovery.
Research shows that using proteins, antioxidants and folic acid that are found in a variety of foods, including fish, carrots and broccoli, a person is able to potentially protect their body from further damage by the cancer cells. Vitamin C is also thought to be a very useful fighter when is comes to skin cancer and its potential spread.
Green Tea
Some people faced with the worries of skin cancer choose to get the advice of health care providers who practice medicine differently like naturopathic doctors. Often their advice is on what herbs can be used to treat the cancer. They' tell you that green tea is believed by many to be a healthy drink because it contains polyphenois compounds. These are very storing antioxidants.
There is research to support this and studies have shown that polyphenois may not only prevent skin cancer but may play an important role in the treatment of diminishing skin growths. Some treatments suggest unusual action be taken like coffee enemas several times daily or castor oil intake, or restricting calories while eating lots of fruit and vegetables.
Other studies have shown that a certain enzyme that is found in a variety of foods; including, but not limited to broccoli, cauliflower, celery and cabbage are very beneficial. The enzyme those vegetables contain is called indoles. Indoles and lectins, found in beans, are a powerful combination against cancer growth. Although still in the experimental stages of research, with the high success rates of their experiments there is good reason to hope that eating foods high in these enzymes will be helpful in the fight against cancer.
Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.


If you someday become diagnosed with skin cancer and survive, one of the most worrisome issues you will face will be preventing a recurrence of the cancer. This article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with skin cancer

Herbal Remedies for Cancer

Excellent Herbal Remedies for Cancer

Cancer sufferers are often in need of something that will alleviate the dangerous side effects, which are commonly associated with cancer treatments. Dealing with pain, discomfort, and nausea makes receiving cancer treatments all the more difficult. Of course, great care must be used when considering using herbal remedies combined with cancer treatments, as it is possible to produce side effects far worse than the side effects one would originally have to deal with. It is always recommended that anyone interested in using herbs, no matter what the cause or reason, should speak with a qualified professional before doing so.
Some women suffering from breast cancer elect to use Black Cohosh as an herbal remedy. Black Cohosh is believed to assist in minimizing or reducing the hot flashes one experiences as a side effect to certain cancer medications like that of tamoxifen. One should be forewarned, however, that studies are revealing that Black Cohosh may not necessarily be very healthy or safe to mix with cancer treatments. Since studies are mixed in terms of opinion, it is highly recommended that the woman interested in using Black Cohosh consider speaking directly with the physician before doing so.
Studies have revealed that the herb Angelica may also be beneficial to cancer patients. Animal studies which have been conducted reveal that Angelica has specific anticancer features, which may help improve one's overall condition when suffering from cancer. Barberry is another herb that has similar anticancer properties and it is also believed that Buckthorn is another herb that might have a powerful effect on reducing tumor growth. In a similar fashion, Burdock is another herb that also has anti-tumor properties. Many of the latter herbs are available in capsule form for easier consumption.
Cat's claw is another herb that is highly recommended for individuals suffering from cancer. Cat's claw has been the subject of a number of studies and the studies reveal that the herb has antitumor properties while simultaneously supplying a cancer patient with cancer preventative benefits as well. Meanwhile, an herb that can actually be found in one's own backyard is that of the Dandelion. Dandelions not only make fine homemade wines, but the yellow flower possesses a lot of vitamin C, several antioxidants, as well as beta carotene. It is the antioxidants in Dandelions that serve the cancer patient well in terms of cancer defense.
If seeking another source of antioxidants one can find natural antioxidants in apples. Incorporating a few apples in one's diet is always a good idea as apples not only have antioxidants, but they contain pectin too: the latter ingredients are two powerful forms of natural cancer defense. Further, Blackberry fruit eaten in its fresh form is also believed to have powerful anticancer properties. Finally, if looking for all natural foods to boost up cancer defense naturally one will definitely want to consider adding soybean to their diet. Recent studies have revealed that soybean consumption is directly correlated to lower risks of a variety of cancers

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Homeopathy

No one wants to be a breast cancer patient. Breast cancer is life threatening especially when detected on the late stages but aside from that, many cancer patients can't afford the expensive treatments. Medical costs are continuously rising and because of this, a lot of individuals are now turning to breast cancer homeopathy.
With the proper treatment, you can continue living a normal life. There are numerous alternative treatments for breast cancer. The conventional methods are quite expensive like hormone therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. If you want to know more about these conventional treatments, you can simply conduct an online research. There are lots of information resources that you can find online and a quick search can give you thousands of results.
It's quite hard to beat cancer especially during the late stages. According to some researches, traditional methods for breast cancer are effective but it's now probably time to look at the other treatment options available.
The alternative treatments can be used together with conventional medications because this can contribute to healing. The body has a natural healing ability and so with the aid of homeopathy, the patient can be effectively treated.
Touch healing is very popular these days. It includes Reiki, massage, and chiropractic treatments. The treatments are focused in achieving balance in the body to encourage healing. Reiki and massage can help breast cancer patients relax and it also reduces the pain. If want to get well soon, you can use these methods to speed the healing process of the body.
Conventional treatments often make the patient feel exhausted. But if you're relaxed, you can sleep soundly. You will be able to handle your situation and other treatments well. When you have muscle pains, you can have a massage therapy. You must keep in mind that the healing abilities of the body are hindered when you're stressed out. Breast cancer treatments can cause stress over the long run and the alternative homeopathic treatments can help you body relax.
Have you ever checked your diet lately? Dietary changes are needed to keep your body healthy despite the various treatments you're undergoing. You will need food supplements for good health. If you try to look at other cancer patients, their outside appearance is not that good but if you want to improve your outlook, you can turn to the homeopathic treatments. Try to consult a holistic doctor who specializes in breast cancer cases.
There are already lots of holistic doctors who are able to treat breast cancer. Homeopathy believes that in order to cure a certain disease, the root cause of the problem or the health condition should be treated. By treating the root cause, the body will heal faster and more efficiently.
You can check the background of some holistic doctors you can find online. By checking their past records, you can tell how good they are in practicing their profession. You will also be able to determine how many breast cancer patients they handled in the past and if such patients were able to recover from cancer.
Breast cancer homeopathy is not new. Homeopathy has been practiced for centuries. Ancient people benefited greatly from homeopathy and since many people are now turning to the basics, homeopathy is a good idea. In fact, actress Suzanne Somers was able to survive breast cancer through the use of holistic medicine and alternative therapy.

Matters of the Heart

Chinese tea - Matters of the Heart

In the late 1960s, American scientists noticed some interesting findings. While doing autopsies, they observed that the arteries of Chinese tea-drinking Chinese Americans had only two-thirds as much coronary artery disease as Caucasian coffee drinkers. Since that time, many more studies have shown a link between drinking tea and preventing heart disease.
As we all now Chinese tea helps to cleanse the blood of triglycerides and cholesterol. In 2003, the Archives of Internal Medicine published a study in which, over a twelve-week period, 240 Chinese men and women with moderately high cholesterol were given either a green tea extract augmented with theaflavins from black tea or a placebo with no Chinese tea. After the twelve weeks, the placebo group had no changes in their total cholesterol or their "bad" LDL cholesterol levels. In the tea group, however, total cholesterol dropped by 11.3 percent and LDL by 16.4 percent. At the same time, the "good" HDL cholesterol levels increased by 2.3 percent in the tea-drinking group, while the placebo group saw an increase of only 0.7 percent.
Tea also protects the heart by helping to lower blood pressure. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the most common form of heart disease, and is a major risk factor for heart-related death. A study of Chinese tea drinkers published in 2004 showed that drinking as little as a half-cup of green or Oolong tea per day may lower the risk of high blood pressure by nearly 50 percent.
Researchers found that men and women who drank tea on a daily basis for at least a year were much less likely to develop hypertension than those who didn't, and the more tea they drank, the bigger the benefits. Those who drank at least a half-cup of moderate strength green or Oolong tea per day for a year had a 46-percent lower risk of developing hypertension than those who didn't drink tea. Among those who drank more than two and a half cups of tea per day, the risk of high blood pressure was reduced by 65 percent.
So this Oolong tea does help you prevent heart diseases and cancer as I will talk in my future articles. It has a great effect over our body and mind
Chinese tea facts
The first auction of tea grown in India was held in London in 1838; however, the tea was from Chinese plants they had finally managed to grow in India.
In 1856, Chinese tea was planted in and around Darjeeling, India, and grew very well. Darjeeling tea became one of the best and most prized teas of the Chinese varieties.
In the late 1800s, after the Opium Wars, China would no longer provide England with any tea. The Indian tea market blossomed. Today India produces more tea than any other country except for China

Get Your Life Back

How to Quit Smoking By Hypnosis and Get Your Life Back!

Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you can make in your life. At first you decide it's time to quit smoking. You realize that the health benefits when you stop smoking, will vastly improve your life. Your risk of a stroke or heart attack will decrease as well as lung cancer, emphysema and other complications due to your decision to quit smoking. To quit smoking by hypnosis now will save you both money and improve your health.
Then you decide a quit date. 9 out of 10 people never stick to a "stop smoking quit date!" Usually what happens is when that day approaches there are all sorts of excuses made not to quit smoking. You may feel nervous or anxious and that causes fear. You say to yourself, "Today just isn't my day to quit smoking, I'll try tomorrow." These excuses aren't 100% your fault. You have mentally convinced yourself that smoking cigarettes relax you and get you through all those tough and stressful times. But in fact, by not quitting smoking you increase your anxiety level and cause yourself to smoke more and need more nicotine and you will cause yourself even more... unnecessary anxiety.
After, you will decide the method of which you will choose to assist you in the quitting smoking process. Why not try an effective and proven program if you quit smoking by hypnosis now. Time and time again all the patches, gum, sprays and pills fail you. But you feel like the failure and you give up on your quest for quitting smoking. "YOU AREN'T A FAILURE".
These products are commercially developed to psychologically trick people into thinking their product will make them quit smoking but in fact all they are doing is filling their wallets with tons and tons of money from people who are in need of a proven method of a way to quit smoking.
It's time for you to take control and try a program that will not only give you the will power to quit smoking but will also help or eliminate your cravings completely. If you really want to quit smoking without using any expensive quit smoking aids or experiencing any terrible cravings what so ever. The
Quit Smoking By Hypnosis Now Program is the answer you're looking for! Let a real 'Quit Smoking' expert help you STOP for good!

Others Could Save Someone's Life

Discussing Breast Cancer with Others Could Save Someone's Life

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women ages 40 to 59. This year alone, more than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with the disease. Another 40,000 will die from it. Even though early detection is critical to survival and every woman is at risk for developing the disease, new research shows the vast majority of women do not discuss this issue with each other.
According to a recent survey commissioned by WHEATABLES Crackers and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, there is a startling lack of dialogue among women about breast cancer risk and the importance of early detection. Sixty-five percent of women report they never or infrequently discuss breast cancer risk even though almost half report having a close personal experience (self, family or close friend diagnosed) with the disease. Seventy-three percent of mothers surveyed reported they never or hardly ever discuss breast cancer, breast self-exams or mammograms with their daughters or granddaughters and 67 percent of the women surveyed said the same about their mothers or stepmothers.
"These findings are astounding particularly because one in eight women are expected to develop breast cancer during their lifetime. Communication and conversation are critical to understanding the importance of early detection and adopting positive breast health practices," said Susan Braun, president and CEO of the Komen Foundation.
In response, WHEATABLES Crackers and the Komen Foundation have launched a public education initiative to encourage women to talk about breast cancer. Called "Talk About Breast Cancer - It's a Conversation Worth Having," the initiative is designed to help women -- and those who love them -- get the conversation going.
Special WHEATABLES Crackers packaging carries pink Ribbons for Life and conversation starter tips, including:
* Make a monthly calendar note to call your mother, aunt, sister or daughter with a reminder to conduct a breast self-exam. * Enclose a note and a pink ribbon in birthday cards to female friends 40 years of age or older, reminding them to have a mammogram.
* Ask your doctor about breast health activities at every appointment. Don't wait for the doctor to ask you.
* Send a care package with how-to tips to young women at college or away from home; once a woman turns 20, she should begin conducting monthly breast self-exams and have a doctor or nurse examine her breasts every three years.
* Develop a "buddy" system with friends. Ask them to remind you regularly about breast health activities and do the same for them.
* Share a cup of coffee, tea or cocoa and breast cancer facts with a friend: Breast cancer is the number one killer of women between the ages of 40 and 59; the majority of women who develop breast cancer had no family history of the disease; if breast cancer is detected early, a woman's chances of survival improve significantly.

Cancer and Diet

Cancer and Diet

It is painful to acknowledge the fact that even in this modern era of 21st century "Cancer accounts for nearly one-quarter of deaths in the United States, exceeded only by heart diseases".
In 2004, there were 553,888 cancer deaths in the US (23.1% of all death).
Heart disease accounts for 653486 deaths which is about 27.2% of all death in USA. That means heart and cancer related death accounted more than 50 % of all death in USA in 2004.
Similarly let's have a look at some of the statistics in UK. In the UK according to Cancer research UK, "One in four (26%) of all deaths in the UK are caused by cancer. There were 153,491 cancer deaths in the UK in 2005".
You might be wondering why I am quoting so many statistics about cancer and heart diseases.
The point is even when our knowledge about our diet has increased tremendously and medical science is in advanced stages, still majority of death even in the developed nations on this planet are happening with the decease which are linked with our diet. Most of human body diseases like cancer and heart disease are linked with our food which we eat. If people are eating healthy food then how can there be more than 50 % death from heart and cancer diseases?
If we know what is healthy and if we eat healthy then our body should be healthy. It is that simple. After looking at above statistics one can easily deduct the analysis the despite the big advancement in our knowledge about our diet still somehow somewhere we do not understand our diet or our food properly.
I like the following quotation from Hippocrates, the father of medicine (460-357 B.C.) "He who does not know food, how can he understand the diseases of man?" which is quite true even in this present time after more than 2350 years when he said. It is a reality that we are still eating unhealthy food like fast food and meat which leads towards obesity, which is linked as one of the main cause of cancer and heart diseases, kind of diseases which should have been eliminated long time ago.
Recently I was reading the news headline that Britain is fast becoming the fast food nation. As per news published on US department of health and human service, NIH news website " Eating at Fast-food Restaurants More than Twice Per Week is Associated with more Weight Gain and Insulin Resistance in Otherwise Healthy Young Adults".
Another habit which is destroying people health in the western nations is of eating meat. The main reason is first the meat itself is not healthy for the human being and second that it is contaminated. I would like to mention one statement here from-- Delmer Jones, President of the US Meat Inspector Union regarding contaminated meat, he said" The labels are misleading the public. The labels should declare that the product has been contaminated with fecal material…Today, nationwide; line speeds are up to 140 to 160 carcasses per minute. It's not humanly possible for meat inspectors to do what they are required to do, which is to protect the consumer."
The extra weight we gain because of the fast food and contaminated meat puts you at risk for developing many diseases, especially heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer, etc. So in a way the habit of eating fast food and meat is destroying your health and putting you in the great danger of losing health.
Sadly recently in the UK ex Big brother celebrity Jade Goody was diagnosed with the advanced stage of cervical cancer. Treatments for cancer include chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, surgery and drug treatments, or these in combination. Jade Goody has stage 4 cervical cancer, which is when the disease is at its most advanced stage and has spread. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women under 35 after breast cancer.
Though Jade Goody is suffering with cancer but with the help of media her issue of cervical cancer has certainly created awareness among the citizens in the UK.
In the end I would like to say that if we correct our eating habits then not only we would have healthy body but we would certainly get rid of most of diseases like cancer and heart diseases which are killing most of the western nations. Living with a healthy body is not a complicated rocket science. Our body is made up of food which we eat during our day to day life. If we are unhealthy at the moment then one thing is certain that the food which we eat is not good enough.
Healthy food habits will certainly lead you to good health forever.It is high time now that we should take action towards improving our diet before it is too late.
May all being be healthy.

Quit smoking

Quit smoking using electronic cigarettes

If you are looking for a way to prevent yourself from the harmful health issues of smoking then there are many smoking alternatives that you can try. A wide range of smoking alternatives are available in the market and they are very helpful in coping with your nicotine cravings without fearing about harmful effects of smoking cigarettes.
Electronic cigarettes are an effectively smoking alternative which is widely utilized by a large number of smokers. Electronic cigarettes are also known as smokeless cigarettes and it is one of the latest inventions made to reduce the dangerous effects of smoking. Electronic cigarettes can successfully deliver the experience that you get while smoking an actual cigarette. However, unlike traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes do not burn any kind of tobacco.
Electronic cigarettes have proved to be the best alternative for those smokers who are unable to quit smoking immediately. As electronic cigarettes are able to offer the same taste and the sensation of traditional cigarettes, there has been a rapid increase in the number of smokers using it. Electronic cigarettes have flow censor that release water vapors containing nicotine, scent and propylene glycol that imitates the flavor of tobacco. When you inhale an e-cigarette you activate this flow censor and you enjoy the similar taste of a traditional cigarette. Electronic cigarettes successfully produce the similar oral fixation and the tactile sensation that you get from actual cigarettes. If you are looking for a healthier smoking alternative then there is nothing better than electronic cigarettes.
The working principle of e-cigarettes is quite different from that of the traditional cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes simply supplies your nicotine needs without providing all the harmful cancer causing elements contained in traditional cigarettes such as glue, hydrocarbons, various additives, arsenic, tar, and carbon monoxide. Electronic cigarettes have refillable cartridges that come in a wide range of flavors and nicotine strengths. Some popular flavored cartridges such as menthol, regular, apple and strawberry are available with light, full, medium and zero nicotine strengths. Moreover, smoking electronic cigarettes is completely legal and you smoke it in bars, work place, bars and even on planes.
Smoking results into various serious diseases such as heart disease, lung cancer, strokes and chronic bronchitis and the best way to avoid such diseases is by quitting smoking. However, quitting smoking immediately is not so easy and electronic cigarettes can help you to quit it. There are also various other smoking alternatives like nicotine patches, prescription tablets and nicotine gums. However, electronic cigarettes are mostly preferred by smokers who are trying to quit smoking. One of the important benefits of electronic cigarettes is that you can smoke them without worrying about inflicting harm to other people with second hand smoke

New Year's Resolution

Quitting Smoking Rewards

Quitting smoking is one of the most important things a person can do to improve their health.
When smoking tobacco, you are putting your body into the high-risk zone. Your cardiovascular system, respiratory tract, lungs, heart etc. are in danger of various diseases such as emphysema, COPD, heart attacks, cancer and more. All of them may be lethal.
The risk is increasing with each cigarette you smoke. The more and the longer you smoke, the higher is the risk. However, if one stops smoking, the chances of the life threatening diseases gradually decrease. Each and every day after the day you've quit prolongs your life. Isn't it the enough reason to quit smoking today?
Nicotine is a powerful and addictive stimulant. Nicotine addiction is the main reason for people continuing smoking while understanding it's harmful. Nicotine addiction is both physical and psychological. Many quitters experience the uncomfortable and sometimes even painful symptoms i.e. insomnia, weight gain, fatigue, irritability etc. Often these are enough for a quitter to go back smoking which is the total failure.
No hope? Wrong.
Did you know that after only 8 hours of quitting smoking, your blood pressure drops by 5 to 10 points? After one month, your immune system will have begun to recover from the effects of cigarette smoke, and your energy is likely to improve. After only one year of quitting smoking, your risk of dying as a result of a heart attack will be half that of someone who still smokes.
Quitting smoking isn't easy. There are 3 reasons you or someone you know may have trouble kicking the habit:
1) Nicotine is powerfully addictive. Withdrawal symptoms can be challenging to overcome, and physical nicotine cravings, although typically only 1-2 minutes in duration, can be quite strong.
2) Smoking cigarettes can become a habitual part of your life; you may smoke every time you have a cup of coffee, when you are driving to work, or while on the phone. If you are used to having a cigarette at certain times of day or during certain situations, it can be a challenge to change these habits.
3) People smoke for a reason. Whether it is the stress of a hard day at work, a difficult relationship, or small worries that add up to a stressful day, there is often an emotional aspect to a person's smoking addiction. In order to quit smoking for good, this underlying emotional element must be addressed.
Despite these challenges, you can break your smoking habit, and you can do it naturally. The first step is to become more aware of the reasons you smoke. By identifying your smoking triggers, you can take control of your habits and turn them around.
Quitting smoking is more than just giving up cigarettes; it is an opportunity to transform your life and the way that you react to situations.
It is a chance for you to start thinking and living in a healthier way, for the benefit of not only yourself, but for everyone in your life.
There are several safe and natural therapies that can help you quit smoking. Acupuncture is one of these natural options for reducing nicotine cravings, promoting better mood and energy, and improving overall health. Acupuncture has been shown to be more effective than most conventional anti-smoking medications, and has twice the success rate of nicotine replacement medications for smoking cessation. There are botanical 7 homeopathic formulations that act by the same mechanism as the new anti-smoking medication, without causing as many side effects.
These herbal supplements can be used in combination with other therapies to increase your success rates of quitting smoking.
If you want to permanently end your dependence on cigarettes, your greatest chance of success is with a program that addresses all three elements of your smoking addiction. You may be able to do this on your own, depending on the extent of your addiction. Professional assistance ensures a greater likelihood of long term success.
Why stop smoking ? That is the question and I hope you have at least ONE answer. I am sure you know smoking is bad for your health so this may be your answer : "if I stop smoking I will be healthier". Healthier ? Do you know how much you can get healthier ? I am going to tell you what are the different health reasons you should quit smoking, and some more reasons just for your knowledge.
Your heart. Stop smoking and you will reduce the risks of having a heart attack.
Your lungs and all your respiratory system. It's well known smokers are quickly out of breath. Lungs functions decreases and the risk of having a lung cancer becomes higher for smokers. Stopping smoking will help you recover your lungs capacity.
Your brain. Nicotine is a drug that reach your brain in 10 seconds. This is the nicotine that also creates the addiction. If you want to keep your brain working as you need it, stop smoking. Do I need to remind you how the brain is important ?
Your throat. Toxic substances acccumulate and increase the risks of having a larynx and oesophagus cancer (it seems lung cancer wasn't enough).
Your stomach, intestines, alimentary canal and liver. All the digestive system is attacked by tobacco. Ulcer and chronic diseases can appear in these organs.
Your mouth. This is not only a bad breath problem. This is also mouth infections, gum diseases, or getting loose of teeth. Smoking causes tongue or mouth cancer too.
Your eyes. Smoking increases the risks of cataract, which can leads to blindness.
Your skin. Tar smoke provoke yellow fingers and stain the nails. It also speeds up the skin aging and the wrinkles developpment. Stop smoking and you will look younger longer.
Your sexual health. Risks of impotence and infertility are higher when you smoke. The risks for women of miscarriage or to give birth to premature babies are also higher. Please girls, don't wait to be pregnant to stop smoking. And boys, if you want still want to make love when you want, stop smoking. At 30, it becomes smokers harder to get hard, well... not cool.
So now, you know the health reasons why you should stop smoking. Be aware that the health of people around you is in danger. Your family, your children, your friends, your work mates.
Now, some more reasons to stop smoking, just for you :
Stop smoking and save money. What can you buy for you or someone else with the money saved ? Look at it for a week, a month, or a year.
Stop smoking and smell better (hairs, clothes, car, houses, curtains). Your smell sense will also improve, as well as your taste sense.
Stop smoking and have more energy. Make some sport !
Stop smoking and reduce the risk of fire accidents.
Stop smoking and get your teeth cleaner, and better breath. Smoking stinks.
Stop smoking and be calmer. You will also sleep better.
Stop smoking and be proud of you.
There are plenty of other reasons why you should stop smoking, find yours and think about them each time you want to smoke. Your life and your close ones lives depend on it.
When you are not smoking, you are giving your body the ability to recover from the harm you do to it. The longer you are not smoking the healthier you will get. Okay, you already know that but what happens in your body when you stop smoking in the short, mid and long run. Here is a little timeline and the (almost) immediate effects of stopping smoking.
20 minutes after you stop smoking your blood pressure will drop back to normal. So does your pulse rate. High blood pressure and pulse rate increases the risk of heart attack. Also the body temperature of hands and feet increases to normal. Are you ready to take these first minutes ? If so, let's go further.
8 hours after you quit smoking, the carbon monoxide levels in your blood will drop by half. Smoking causes carbon monoxide (combustion) in your lungs, but your lungs need oxygen. Carbon monoxide is a POISON. This is why you can't breath normally : if you have carbon monoxide in your lungs and blood, you have less oxygen.
24 hours after your last puff, you get rid of carbon monoxide in your body. You have more oxygen now and can think about sport again !
After 48 hours, your body also get rid of nicotine. The risk of having a heart attack is lower. The senses of taste and smell will improve. Shall I remind you how smoke stinks ? There are better taste and smells than the cigarette one. Another effect at this time is the nerve endings are regrowing.
After 72 hours, a nice sequence starts : bronchial tubes will relax, so you will breath more easily. Breathing easily leads to a bigger lung capacity. Breathing better leads to higher energy levels. (Thank you Mr Oxygen !)
From 2 weeks to 6 months after you quit smoking, many things happen. Your blood circulation constantly improves, walking will become easier, your lung functions increase, you will cough less, sinus congestion will decrease.
After 9 months you will see improvements for almost everything told above. You really are getting healthier and you will feel it. Your lungs and your heart will thank you.
After 1 year your risk of having a heart attack will drop by half.
After 5 years the risk of having a lung cancer decreases.
After 10 years the risk of lung cancer and other cancers is the same as a non-smoker.
After 15 years your can expect a longer and healthier life : the risk of heart attack is the same as a non-smoker.
Don't you think that's worth it ? So, what are you waiting to stop smoking now ? By stopping smoking you are also stopping killing yourself, or at least you will lower the risk of diseases and heart attack (not only for you, but also for your circle). Quitting smoking is worth it: do it

Cancer Survivors

Cancer Survivors - Nutritional Approach to Stress

Stress is responsible for 90% of all disease and illnesses; and cancer is no exception.
According to recent literature that was released by the American Medical Society, stress is more responsible for cancer than cigarette smoking.
It is not, however, not a matter of how busy our lives are, but rather how people deal with it that has such a horrific impact on health.
There are many people that thrive on things like deadlines, where the stress of it just seems to invigorate them. Then, of course, there are those that allow the anxiety of stress to gnaw at them, causing them to spend sleepless nights, and impart a very serious negative effect on every aspect of their lives.
Stress is a built-in factor that has the potential devastating results on personal health, up to and including death. When people begin to understand exactly what stress is, it seems to enable them to start gaining more control over it. Frankly, stress can be described as one's belief that they will not be able to complete, or cope with a situation or condition that is pending in their lives. Even tough, throughout their lives they have dealt successfully with a great number of similar situations.
Nutrition is an excellent tool to helping you cope with stress better. It works by supporting the adrenal glands - the stress glands responsible for your ability to cope during stressful situation.
The adrenal glands are responsible for maintaining the balance of many bodily functions by secreting several important hormones. An abnormal adrenal response, either deficient or excessive hormone secretion, significantly alters an individual's response to stress. Often the adrenals become 'exhausted' as a result of the constant demands placed upon them. An individual with adrenal exhaustion may feel 'stressed out', tired and be prone to allergies, while an individual with excessive adrenal activity is likely to have high blood pressure, anxiety, depression and elevated blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Various nutrients and herbal substances can be very useful in supporting and enhancing adrenal function, particularly during times of stress. Atrophy or shrinking of the adrenal cortex is a common side effect of continual stress, cortisone administration and aging. Due to the importance of the adrenal gland, optimum health is dependent on optimum adrenal function.
Other nutrients: Vitamin C, vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium and pantothenic acid are necessary nutrients for the manufacture of hormones by the adrenal glands. Supplementation of all these nutrients, at higher then recommended dietary allowance levels in the form of a high-potency multiple-vitamin-mineral formula may be appropriate during high periods of stress or in individuals needing adrenal support.
Particularly important for optimum adrenal function is pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid deficiency results in adrenal atrophy, characterised by fatigue, headache, sleep disturbances, nausea and abdominal discomfort. Pantothenic acid is found in whole grains, legumes, cauliflower, broccoli, salmon, liver, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.
Alongside the nutritional approach, stress management should also involve regular exercise daily, use of relaxation techniques - all components of a healthy lifestyle.
From pain management to stress management and more, the effectiveness of using natural nutrition is constantly expanding. It is easy to understand how natural nutrition holds the greatest potential of health management in your cancer recovery